Author: Justin Qian
It is declared that “all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” Whereas, people are not always equal, due to the fact of many prolonged issues; that involves the diversity in wealth as well as the stereotypes dwelling in our minds. In fact, many students in China still lack clothes, textbooks or even a meal. In a great sense of empathy, the Giving Tree activity was established a few years ago by Mr. Heard. Since then, Nanmo students have helped an excessive number of needy students, aiding them with warm clothes, educational books

After incorporating the experience from past years, there are some twists in this year which make some of the Giving Tree bags more meaningful. One of the changes was originated from Mr. Chen, the chemistry teacher and the Frisbee coach in Nanmo. According to a Frisbee team member, John Yu in 12C, every member gets a Frisbee for children to add to their bags. It seems that our coach starts attempting to seek more ways to promote Frisbee. As for the significance, this action provides not only the popularization of Frisbee but also more ways for those students to exercise, to entertain, to enjoy their childhood. Hope those who will receive the special gift would feel the same enthusiasm, the real essence of all sports.

Moreover, in view of the age of these students, there is another change added which makes the activity more reasonable. This year, the teachers in charge are adding a book with Pinyin to those bags which do not have one alike. For elementary students, many may not have enough requisite knowledge to understand the books, especially when some are using difficult words to exposit a profound principle; it would be better for them to read with simultaneous Pinyin aside.

After those changes, the real activity of Giving Tree appears to be more appealing. It is decided that on November 23rd, many of the students will go on the trip to send the bags and interact with the students. Jack Zhu in 12B has shown a particular excitement while looking forward to the giving tree. During the interview, he repeatedly emphasizes that “It’s no longer bearable for me to wait for the trip.” He also sent a genuine wish for the success on that day.

Mr. Heard, the initiator of the activity has not been in China anymore. Nonetheless, the spirit of share and help was and always will be passed on, through different grades in Nanmo, through the generations of all human beings.