With the arrival of December, BC teachers and students at Shanghai Nanyang Model Private High School held a Christmas assembly on the afternoon of December 23, 2021. The assembly revolved around a series of journeys on the express train to the Christmas rally at Miracle Square, where the place was full of laughter, dancing, and carols. All of us gathered in hall 315, actively participated in various games, and had fun competitions to win mysterious Christmas prizes. Meanwhile, the students also praised and recognized the performers with rapturous applause. With the participation of teachers and students, the auditorium seemed to become a real express train, making everyone feel that they were following the train’s path towards the beautiful miracle town. 

In order to demonstrate an extraordinary assembly, the student union put lots of effort into drafting plans as well as preparing the audition to select programs for the assembly. Students from different grades prepared many exciting and attractive performances, and actively engaged in the auditions. Band performances, dancing, singing, and various programs appeared in the contest, adding to the artistic atmosphere of the Nanmo campus. On the eve of the Christmas assembly, the student union members carefully designed and decorated the site. The school hall suddenly became the scene of a huge Christmas party. 

Ultimately, the exciting rally is about to begin! Teachers and students entered the venue cheerfully. Some people also wore special Christmas sweaters, making the Christmas atmosphere more intense. The members of the Student Union have been ready to welcome visitors for a long time. They were well-dressed at the auditorium’s entrance, respectfully guiding teachers and students to their seats. The music station was the first stop for teachers and students at school. The new band this year called Movers and Shakers performed wonderful Christmas tunes after arriving at the music station. After the performance was over, people needed to compete at the music station by playing games to obtain a train ticket to the Miracle Town. The pupils took part in the game enthusiastically, and their fantastic and entertaining performance made the audience howl with laughter. At the end of the game, Mr. Chen led the Choir students on stage to sing Holly Jolly and Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer. The melodious singing reverberated around the hall, heightening the festive atmosphere. The train then proceeded to the claustrophobic forest and Disney Island. In the dark forest, the audience watched mysterious dance performances. As the train moved to Disney Island, performers brought cheerful Disney songs. At the end of the journey, the train arrived at Miracle Town, with the sound of music, the final performers sweated to bring the assembly to a climax. The students showed a positive and friendly atmosphere on campus, at the same time, they also brought another unforgettable Christmas assembly for Nanmo teachers and students.