Star Students

Star Students

After comprehensive evaluations, six Star Students from Nanmo BC have stood out. Let’s get to know more about them!   Grade 10 Star Student  Jenny Dong  As a Top Student Award winner, Jenny Dong has exceled in Social Studies, Spoken Language, Composition, and Drama....

Nanmo BCOS – CINEC Star Students

Jenny Jiang – Grade 10 Current Extracurricular Activities:  Frisbee: Shanghai Youth Open, Shanghai High School League TournamentYouth Observation ContestVango Fencing CompetitionSketch Drawing Grade Examination DegreeShanghai Natural History Volunteer Awards and...
Star Student – Martina Qin

Star Student – Martina Qin

I am Martina Qin from Shanghai Nanyang Model High School BC 10C. I was lucky to be chosen as the Star Student last semester. Generally, I think the reason why I was chosen to be the Star Student is that I am “aggressive”. That’s the most common word that teachers and...